Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
DoctorsOct 22, 20246546.7%
SportsJun 5, 20249061100%
SchoolsMay 31, 2024282741.4%
HospitalsMay 31, 20243340%
PharmaciesMay 30, 2024221049.1%
Government OfficesMay 29, 2024161646.3%
UniversitiesMay 29, 2024121036.7%
MemorialsDec 28, 20233333.3%
WaterfallsOct 6, 2023117100%
Social FacilitiesSep 17, 20237740%
Bicycle ParkingJul 25, 20232257.1%
ClinicsMay 9, 2023171242.4%
Community CentresMay 4, 2023262315.4%
Arts CentresMay 3, 20235424%
VeterinariesMay 9, 20222230%
CollegesOct 16, 20217522.9%
Bicycle ShopsMar 3, 20217757.1%
DentistsFeb 16, 20214145%
KindergartensJan 15, 20206630%
HotelsDec 6, 2019141251.8%
MonumentsOct 14, 20191133.3%
LibrariesAug 11, 20191140%