Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
SchoolsAug 21, 2024161423.8%
DoctorsMay 14, 20246626.7%
SportsMay 13, 20242915100%
UniversitiesNov 28, 20235520%
HospitalsMay 28, 20237625.7%
Bicycle RentalsOct 15, 20212233.3%
Bicycle ShopsOct 15, 20211120%
Government OfficesJan 17, 20217548.6%
LibrariesDec 12, 20201120%
PharmaciesOct 12, 202018817.8%
HotelsAug 31, 201910725%
ClinicsDec 26, 20173220%
KindergartensDec 26, 20173313.3%
VeterinariesDec 25, 20171120%
DentistsDec 25, 20172120%
MonumentsDec 24, 20151133.3%
Bicycle ParkingJul 14, 201421-
CinemasJul 12, 201411-