Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
Government OfficesDec 7, 2024231672.2%
SchoolsDec 6, 2024533060.4%
UniversitiesDec 4, 20247445.7%
SportsDec 4, 20243426100%
HospitalsDec 4, 20247760%
DamsDec 2, 2024136100%
HotelsOct 5, 2024181683.3%
KindergartensOct 10, 20231160%
Social FacilitiesOct 1, 20233353.3%
PharmaciesOct 1, 20236546.7%
ClinicsSep 28, 2023201637%
Bicycle ShopsJul 17, 20235476%
Arts CentresJul 16, 20231180%
CollegesJul 8, 20235336%
DentistsJul 8, 20231120%
WaterfallsJul 6, 202311100%
MonumentsJun 15, 20231133.3%
LibrariesFeb 24, 20231160%
DoctorsFeb 21, 20231160%